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Call for action for Post Idai-Kenneth

*By Thelma Munhequete

 Demand to access to technical know-how

The gap between humanitarian management policy and actual SOS management practices is widening, due to ongoing capacity constraints or non-existence SOS management facilities for  the different climate disasters.

Resolving this capacity gap will require major investments and access to technical know-how. A group of friends and colleagues and private stakeholders from all over the world are willing to help the people in Beira, in Mozambique; based on the set of guiding ideas and
principals on this humanitarian action. It involves ethics and value to standardize the conduct and behaviour to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, reputation, integrity and credibility of Post IDAI Action Plan.


The Sustainable Development Goals to take into account

The newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals that have replaced the Millennium
Development Goals provide a generational opportunity to address the lingering problems the
world still and will still face following the MDGs. Achieving  the management of climate disaster  by prevention and explaining the  significant adverse effects  of climate disaster in human health and the environment, is  essential and it is part of the three sustainable development goals below:

1. Goal 4 Target 4,1 “by 2030 ,ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and
quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant effective learning

2. Goal 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive ,safe resilient and sustainable”
Target 11.6 “by 2020,the world should reduce the adverse per capital environmental
impacts of cities ,including by paying special attention to air quality ,municipal,

3. Goal 12 “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns “Target 12.5 “by
2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling
and reuse

Engaging all  stakeholders

March 2019, highlighted the latest thinking on Stakeholder engagements, particularly the need
to stem the flow of mass production and consumption inherent in a take-make-waste, linear
economy by reducing demand and shifting to reusable Climate Smart Agriculture in
African context as well as the Gender inclusion.

Engaging the general public, the private sector, organizations, policy makers, and local governments in Africa in sustainable strategy is urgent in Africa. The experiences of school project implemented  in Mozambique in 2013 showed the importance of  the Gender Climate Change (CCGAP) issue. The currently Integrated Management Chemical Pollutants and Solid Waste as well as Child Protection and ongoing Climate smart Agriculture project (focus on Cassava roots) made great strides to develop a communities disaster risks management strategies.

Financing opportunities

Financing opportunities for Climate Smart Agriculture can be the key, through  investments for smallholders systems.  Finding Climate Smart Agriculture strategies   by deploying Information and Communication Technology  for Climate Smart Agriculture programmes in smallholder systems can also be the solutions.

Can Climate Smart Agriculture offers  employment opportunities for Africans youths by supporting a new generation of farmers in a changing climate? How do we move beyond good intentions?

Post IDAI Main Goal

It is important to rebuild schools, generate knowledge, educate  and develop a sustainable school farm. The co-benefits of this humanitarian action will help the students, youth in innovative skills and facilitate the schools cooperative farmers with mains goals: educate and raise awareness to the problemes associated with climate disaster and support the creation of green jobs in Mozambique, in regards with productive sectors.


*Thelma Munhequete is the Country executive of the African Foundation for Sustainable Development Mozambique. She can be reach by email:

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