AfDB’s participation at UN Climate Summit in New York

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The African Development Bank will be part of the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit on September 23th. The Bank aims to draw attention to the key climate change  that impact Africa by fostering global commitment on climate change solutions.  It is images enhancing climate finance resource flows especially from the private sector with an increased focus on adaptation. It also encourages climate resilient infrastructure in Africa, especially in the energy sector.  One of AfDB’s goals is to  tackle the growing demand in this sector by introducing two  innovative instruments such as  the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa and the Africa50 Fund. In New York ,the bank will actively participate in the following events:
-ClimDev-Africa High-Level Panel, September 22, 2014 on « Moving against the tide: Africa rising to seize climate change opportunities in water, food and energy security ».
-Building a Global Alliance of Sustainable Energy Financing Banks on September 22; co-hosted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
-The Private Sector Forum as well as the Energy and Finance Sessions of the Climate Summit on September 23, 2014.
-The UN Foundation’s Energy Access Practitioner Network and Power Africa Joint Event on September 24, 2014


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